here are two things that have to do with work

First, the secret teacher stairs. The main staircase in our building is grand, and curved, and takes up most of the main lobby. These unassuming stairs are in the back of the building. For some reason students don’t know that the stairs are there until they are about to graduate after four years. I have no idea why; it’s not like anyone is trying to hide them. The little stairs are a tad scary looking in photos, but in real life they are cool on a hot day, and quiet. Plus, they take you right outside if you want. Not bad.

And then, below, is one of the best compliments I have ever received. When he was two years old, my oldest nephew told his dad, my brother, that “Lotta knows how to play in the sandbox”. That’s a good one too. I mean, what two-year-old doesn’t like a good sandbox, and a positive review from a pro, that has to mean something. But, when a student says that you have taught them how to think… That’s hard to beat. There are a lot of cliches about teaching, but to me, thinking, and talking, is what it’s all about.

selfish posing idiots

I love Facebook as much as the next person. It allows me to keep in touch with friends all over the world. Birthdays are the best, when the first congrats trickle in from Australia hours before the birthday actually begins, and the last ones are added hours after my California birthday ends if someone in Hawaii chimes in with a congrats. Almost two full days of actual birthday!

November first is a day for remembering the dead in many cultures. A friend of mine, who lost her husband and the father of their two boys early, posted a comment on Facebook on November first. She said that when she needs a good cry this time of year Amazing Grace holds a special place in her heart.

The reaction my friend got was totally surprising. Instead of notes of sympathy someone started off an avalanche by asking if her taste in music really is that bad. Others quickly started adding their suggestions of obscure, but in their mind undoubtedly more appropriate (and “better”), sad songs.

I’m not making this up. I’m not even improving the story the slightest bit. It happened exactly like this.

So, that’s where we are. People are so concerned with our their images that they’re unable to see what’s going on with another person, and spend their time making sure their choice of music tells the right story about them. Question is: where do we go from here?